1. Book pile by the bed has gone down slightly.
2. I am not looking under the bed, which is where I think some of them have gone.
3. Which likely means I have not been working very hard on tidying more often.
4. At least not in the bedroom.
5. The rest of the house looks - OK, it still looks like a bomb went off. In some rooms.
6. I have been taking more baths - especially after long runs and on cold days.
7. It's summer now - likely less bathing. More showers.
8. Getting to bed marginally earlier. I still wake up at 6:15 a.m.. Every morning.
9. Knitting is very productive. Still slightly addicted to P.vs. Z.
10. But so is my daughter. I guess if you are an addict, it's good to share it around. (It's a time-wasting, but otherwise harmless addiction. I think).
11. I have only slipped
12. Of course not everything is in Ravelry yet.
13. Speaking up thing is working. In the past month I have confronted a teacher who tore a page out of a book because the content was "immoral" ("but it doesn't change the value of the story overall") and asked that the school consider hiring me for more than one day a week.
14. Post blogs twice a week - FAIL. If you average it out, however, I'm way ahead of the game. March REALLY helped.
15. I like to think it is because my life is very busy.
16. Which is why I am sitting at the computer at 10:47 on Friday morning (Canada Day) - in my pajamas.
16. I have, however, darned the ends in on a sweater, made pancakes, drank 1/2 a pot of coffee, read the Globe and talked to my neighbour for 40 minutes.
17. I can accomplish a lot, it seems, when I am not playing P. Vs. Z.