Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oops, I did it again.....(with apologies to Britney Spears)

So I have been trying to resist building up my stash - if you check out  Ravelry, I realize that it doesn't look that large (although not everything is on there yet), especially compared to other, random knitters. Really, up until about 4 years ago, I had maybe enough for 1 pair of socks and another sweater sitting in my stash (and I wasn't on Ravelry, either). I rarely bought on impulse - usually, I had a specific something in mind when I went off to a yarn store. But then I discovered Jimmy Beans Limited Editions, Blue Moon Fibre Arts Socks That Rock yarn club and I also did a little travelling - and now it seems a little overwhelming. I knit impatiently on one sweater or pair of socks, and can't WAIT to get it off my needles so that a) I can wear it (providing I get it sewn up) and b) I can get something else going right away.

But when I am done and can dive in? I look at what is there and I think nope, nope, nope and nope!!! The yarn may have had a specific project in mind when I bought it - but by the time I get back to it - the project has eluded me, or I can't believe I would ever want to wear THAT - what was I thinking? 

So in June, I decided - no more yarn. I would buy only when I had a project in mind - and not until most of what was in my stash was knit up (that includes you, Kauni, and you, Noro Blossom). And then.....I was in Seattle and went by a yarn shop (Tricoter) and wandered in - and came out 20 minutes later with some Punta and some Alchemy Haiku, to knit the Stay-put wrap by Mag Kandis...

 OK - everyone gets one do-over....

And then? We were in Halifax, getting AE ready for her sojourn at Acadia - and after going to every store that sold bath caddies and sheets and towels and other items of necessity for university, I HAD to have some yarn therapy - and I fell HARD for some gorgeous Fleece Artist to make up the garter stitch sweater that came with the wool.

But I stood firm - I didn't even visit any yarn stores in Long Beach - and there were several.

And then 3 weeks ago I went to Pudding Yarn, my favourite Calgary yarn store - and she was unpacking Malabrigo - and I stood there drooling at the colours (OMG as the children say). There was this gorgeous green and purple - and a lovely navy and gold...and I was strong.  I walked away with the only thing I came into the store to get, which was a pair of needles. (I know I probably have the same size somewhere at home, but it would mean going  into the rat's nest of a sewing room that needs some love and attention before I can find anything).

And then I found myself back there last week, card in hand, pattern in the other - and I walked out with 4 skeins. Still not sure how that happened.....

Sigh - you know even if there was a Yarns Anonymous group, and I had a sponsor and everything? I wouldn't stay very long on the wagon. 

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